Signs with handwritten messages are held high above the heads of protestors as they flood Cedar Falls main street, chanting out, “No justice, No peace.”...
Two police officers were shot amid protests in downtown Louisville, Kentucky, as the city and country reacted to the grand jury’s announcement that the officers...
In 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, another pandemic popped up in what seemed overnight. The Black Lives Matter movement is a social pandemic bringing awareness...
More than 800,000 people jammed Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, March 24. The March for Our Lives event was led by students from...
Dressed in black, yellow bandanas fastened to cover their mouths, thousands of people took millions of steps in a single file line down city streets...
The Trump administration has almost closed out its first summer in office, and it will be one that no one forgets.Trump’s disastrous summer of 2017...
A “whole sea of immigrants” showed up right outside U.S. Congressman Rod Blum’s office on Main and Fifth Street at 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 5....
Senior Aastha Chandra has been involved in the State of Iowa Youth Advisory Council (SIYAC) since 2015. Below is a recent interview with her about...
Around 1,000 community members joined together on Feb. 5 in front of Rep. Rod Blum’s office in Cedar Falls for a peaceful protest, using #NoBanNoWall...
Throughout the nation, rage has reached a new level as President Trump followed through with his campaign promises. According to CNN, at least 25 U.S....