Jayne Durnin/Staff Writer
If you’re interested in traveling to a foreign country with your friends, the school is offering a trip to Spain that may be a great opportunity for you.
Spanish teacher Monica Jarchow is planning a trip to Spain for the summer of 2011.
“The trip will be 10 days in Madrid with four days of sight seeing with a side trip to Segovia,” Jarchow said. “We will be touring gothic cathedrals, the Plaza Mayor, the Palacio Real and the Puerta del Sol.”
The Plaza Mayor has been the scene for many events in Madrid since the 1500s, including bull fights, soccer games and public executions.
The Palacio Real is the official residence of the King of Spain but is usually only used for state ceremonies. The palace is decorated with works of art from famous Spanish artists, weapons dating back to the 13th century and the world’s only complete Stradivarius string quintet.
In addition, it also contains collections of tapestry, porcelain, furniture and other historical objects.
The Puerta del Sol is Spanish for “Gate of the Sun.” It is the center of the radial network of Spanish roads and the the famous clock whose bells mark the eating of the Twelve Grapes and the beginning of the New Year.
There are many landmarks and historical places located in and around the square. It is located in the very heart of Madrid.
The trip is tentatively planned for the third week in June.
“There is a four day family stay where the students will be placed with a Spanish family in or near Madrid so they can be immersed in the language and culture,” Jarchow said.
The cost is about $2900 and it includes air fare, hotel and two meals per day. A trip to Costa Rica and to Spain were planned for summer but were abandoned due to lack of interest.
“There is quite a bit of student interest in going to Spain for the summer of 2011 and it looks to be a fun and interesting trip,” Jarchow said.
There was a meeting last Friday for anyone interested, but those still looking for details can still get information from Jarchow.
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