Every Thursday throughout the month of May, students of Peet Junior High can meet during Tiger Time in Family and Consumer Sciences teacher Vanessa Anderson’s...
At Peet Junior High School there are many Tiger Time enrichments that take place each month, but rarely are they something positive to reflect back...
Throughout the year, Peet Junior High has offered a variety of Tiger Time enrichments, from paper roller coasters to study halls, and this month, Thai...
At Peet Junior High, students enjoy spending tiger time having fun with their friends, so math teacher Melissa Stuber gives students a fun part in...
Buddies is a Tiger Time activity at Peet to work with kids who have special needs. Many students meet up every Wednesday to play games,...
Last month eighth grade U.S. history teacher Bethany Meier hosted a Tiger Time enrichment where students came in on Thursdays and watched Disney’s Hamilton. Meier...
LEAD stands for Loving Everything About Differences and is a Tiger Time group at Peet Junior High. “LEAD first started in the Fall of 2013...