Recently, the Holmes Junior High Gender Sexuality Alliance ran a fundraiser. The group raised money through a bake sale to be able to take members to the Iowa Governor’s Conference on LGBTQ+ rights.
Angela Eisenman is in charge of running the activism branch of the GSA. Regarding the results of the bake sale, Eisenman said, “The bake sale went great. We did get positive results. We had some delicious treats donated and were able to raise money to help some of our GSA members attend the Iowa Governor’s Conference on LGBTQ Youth.”
Regarding whether or not the students enjoyed helping out with the fundraiser, Eisenman said, “I think they did. The GSA Advocacy Committee put the whole idea together. We had different members make signs advertising the sale, donate treats, work during the sale, and support the whole cause. We had really positive feedback from our students and staff and were really supported by everyone.”
In regards to why this was an important effort to her, Eisenman said, “The bake sale was important to me because it helped everyone in GSA come together, build community, and work together towards a common goal. I am really excited to take some students to the conference because it will be such an inspiring opportunity for our students to meet so many other incredible students from across the state and feel so much love and support from all over. The information learned helps students to become empowered and continue growing in their advocacy for issues of importance to them.”
Freshman Casper Morgan is a student leader of the activism group. Regarding how the sale went, Morgan said, “I thought it was successful. I had my fears, I worried that people wouldn’t want to support our cause, but I was pleasantly surprised. I had a blast. It’s fun to work with the group, and it was nice to see people buying.”
Speaking on why the fundraiser was important, Morgan said, “It was important to me because as a queer and trans person, the laws being implemented in the past years scare me and what they may mean for my future, so being able to do something about it is nice.”
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