As a handful of students venture through college, several are finding themselves in varying financial states. Many already know college isn’t always cheap, and depending on what sudents are planning on majoring in, costs can pile up. It can be daunting to make the choice of attending college or following dreams while imagining the money involved. Here’s what a handful of students said regarding their current financial situation in college.
“Not great. I have several loans, and I have a job, but, unfortunately, it is not enough to pay off my tuition with the loans and scholarships; 100 percent of my paycheck is going toward paying off tuition. I haven’t even started looking at my loans. Do scholarships. Try your best not to take out loans. If you do have to take loans, to pay off interest if you can it will help keep the cost down and manageable.”
“I’m struggling with art supplies being expensive and allergy-free food as well, but I’m OK. Student loans are in my near future. Apply for scholarships. There can be easy ways to get money by filling out your FAFSA and applying. If you can get a job and save even a little bit for food or anything, it helps.”
“I would say I’m sitting pretty good with my financial state so far. I saved up a lot of money since I worked while I was in high school, so now for the most part I’ll be able to cruise through college without worrying about money. I’m good at handling my money as I’m super conscious as to how much I have, and I’m picky with what I spend my money on so I end up saving a lot of it. I’m also lucky to have my mom who makes enough to sustain us without my income needed, which helps with my college savings and she will be able to assist me later in my college journey when I need enough to cover at least one semester of tuition fees. So yeah, I’m thankful to have the ability to feel comfortable not worrying about money too much while at college. I highly rfecommend attending a community college before moving on to a 4-year university if that works for achieving your major. In my case, I saved at least $6,000 going to a community college my first year before switching to a university to finish my education. Another piece of advice is be aware of your spending habits. This knowledge will allow you to budget better and have a better handle of your money, especially if you have your own income. Speaking of, I also recommend getting a job too. It’ll help with time management and keep you busy. Though I do know that depending on your education goals and other personal reasons, having a job on top of your school work can be overwhelming. So, do what you can.”
“I think I’m doing pretty good, actually. I’m not in debt, and I don’t have to worry much about food. Apart from the $7,700 tool kit I bought during the beginning of the year, I’m doing fine. Some days I eat at home to save money and definitely apply for scholarships. That saved me around maybe $12,000.”
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