There are many steps in becoming a mechanic let alone an registered one and many classes and many jobs that you can do and experience that you can get with that registration. First, you need to get an Automotive Service Excellence certificate also known as an ASE certificate. There are eight specific areas of the ASE certificate, and it is for thoses who want to work on cars, trucks and SUVs. A couple of areas are engine repair, heating and air conditioning, suspension and steering, and engine performance.
Mechanics can choose to mix and match the certificates that they feel like they want to focus on; however, if a mechanic gets all eight certificates, they can take a test to become a master automobile technician, which is a higher position then an original automotive technician. It also benefits because you have more knowledge on the things that you do because you took the time to master all the certificates. One way to get the certificate is through a high school diploma, which means staying in school and passing the required coursework. Another couple ways are by either attending a vocational program or you could work as a mechanic or an apprentice. Within all of these there is a test to see if you learned anything, but it’s not that big. In the long run, with everything that you have done and learned, you can get your mechanic certificate quickly and have a lot of field experience.
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