The last week of Black History Month approaches, but just a few weeks ago sophomores Josephine Jarwolo and Amya Thornton created a poster in celebration.
Jarwolo said, “The idea behind the poster was to evaluate and help let the students know that it was black history month, a time to learn about our past. I came up with the ‘It’s the Black History Month For Me’ part to help the kids connect with the poster and have it represent a trend that was going around.”
“Black history is American history. It deserves to be learned and heard. This is the time to talk about uncomfortable conversations without being ashamed. Black History Month helps remind me of every little step our ancestors have done to get us to where we are today, of every challenge we over faced, every achievement, and more.”
Learning the history behind diverse groups like POC, or people of color, is important to Jarwolo and she believes that “it helps us all to overcome our troubles or thoughts on racism, to come together and unite as a nation, something we should’ve been doing but still are a long way from that. Learning history prevents furthermore conflicts on the ‘n-word’ and the problems on diversity we face today.”
“My advice to somebody being bullied because of their race is to take action, do not stand down,” she said. “Make movements for racial justice, which must be redemptive rather than punitive. Create clubs, meetings, events. Educate them on what they’re doing and how it affects you and everyone. Educate yourself,” Jarwolo said.
Jarwolo also said she believes that “in order to fix these problems, we must step up and use our voice.”
Although February was a busy month for her, Jarwolo said that “I would’ve loved to put pictures of black activists or just significant black history people who weren’t recognized or aren’t known now on the board but as a collage. The vision I had was to have the background of a variety of different black people, but I just didn’t have enough time for it considering my school work and clubs/groups I was in.”
But she is not worried because Jarwolo said she firmly believes that “this is just the beginning.”
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