Local Trinity Bible Church Holds Homecoming

During COVID-19, the concept of a school wide dance was not very realistic. Homecoming is an extremely popular activity among high school students everywhere, but with it being canceled through the school, a lot of students were at a loss of still wanting to have the activity but not knowing how to go about it. Trinity Bible Church students held a homecoming of their own on Friday, Oct. 16.
Joel Herring, a junior at Hudson High school, has been serving in the youth group at Trinity for three years. He plays guitar and serves on the worship team, and he has been going to Trinity since he was born. 

“The homecoming originated as basically a joke while we were all holding out hope that our school homecomings wouldn’t get cancelled, but when they did, some of the high school students started putting together the logistics of having an actual event,” Herring said.

Since he was part of the group that originally came up with the idea, Herring and a couple other high school students started taking charge and having roles such as putting together a playlist full of songs and helping set up and tear down. 

To keep things appropriate and COVID-19 friendly, modesty was enforced, with dresses having to be a certain length so participants could have fun but still glorify God in the process. The dance was called Masquerade but spelled with a K because masks were required, and that was just a way to make it even more fun. About 30 students attended the event.

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