Cards Against Humanity has invited female students interested in STEM careers to crate a video for a chance to win a scholarship.
Are you a woman interested in pursuing a career and hoping to obtain a degree in a STEM field? Then this scholarship is for you!
Both sponsored and created by the iconic and, albeit, inappropriate card game Cards Against Humanity, this is one of the most unlikely of pairs, but no one is complaining.
This is a fairly new scholarship opportunity for women in STEM and has been proudly sponsoring four women in STEM. So far, a new winner is chosen every year.
This scholarship is only for women in STEM and covers the entirety of the winner’s college expenses in order to get the winner to her graduation day. The only requirements are to be a woman, to be pursuing any STEM field while in college and to submit a video of yourself giving a mini-lesson on any STEM-related topic.
“Film a three–minute video of yourself explaining a STEM topic you’re passionate about. You must be a high school senior or an undergraduate college student to apply,” informs. “An advisory board of women who hold higher degrees and work in a broad range of STEM fields will review applications and select finalists. Finalists will be notified in early 2020 and will move on to the next round to submit additional materials. A winner will be announced in April 2020.”
Even if one is unable to join in to win the scholarship, there are still ways to support the cause. One way to help raise money for this is to buy the Science Pack on Cards Against Humanity’s website for just $10. Another way is to inform others about this opportunity.
Video submissions are due Dec. 9 at 11:59 CST. Any and all other questions about how to enter can be answered on their website:
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