New coach Kelsey Aikey (middle) grew up in Cedar Falls and will coach pitching.
Kelsey Aikey, a pitching coach since the 10th grade and Western Kentucky University softball player, is bringing her skills to the softball team as the new pitching coach. According to Aikey she would see Steve Chidester, the head coach of the CF softball team at Jamesville basketball games and CF softball games. When Chidester asked her to help out ,Aikey said she would love to.
“I grew up in Cedar Falls and basically played for them my whole life,” Aikey said. “I just wanted to give back all the things I’ve learned in college to Cedar Falls players.”
In her freshman year at WKU, Aikey made the Conference USA All-Freshman team. In her sophomore year, she was the two-time conference pitcher of the week and threw a one-hitter, a two-hitter and a three-hitter, and she recorded the first extra-inning no-hitter in WKU history. In her junior year, she was once again the two-time conference pitcher of the week and led her conference with 184 strikeouts. Aikey’s other accomplishments during her junior year included having the lead opposing batting average of .184, having the lead hits allowed per seven innings of 4.60, lead strikeouts per seven innings (9.6) and having the lead saves of 6. She also had the second best era in conference at 2.22.
“I would definitely say I am very blessed to be a Hilltopper. Not only playing with an awesome group of girls, but being able to play at WKU is an amazing opportunity that I will always be grateful for.” Aikey said. “I’ve known for a while I’ve always wanted to coach, but I think WKU has definitely made me mature in the game and see both sides as a player and coach.”
Aikey said she is thrilled to coach in her hometown this year.
“I’ve always told people that I’m very excited to coach this year because I can’t wait to tell the girls what I wish I was told in high school,” Aikey said. “[Playing] Division I softball has made me realize a lot of things that I wish someone would have told me in high school. Some things I wish people would have told me or taught me was how to mature with the game. College has taught me so many different things such as being a good teammate and having a good attitude and learning to overcome things.”
Aikey has a positive outlook for this season, and said she thinks it is going to be a very fun season.
“There are a lot of awesome girls on the team, and I can’t wait to see how the rest of the season plays out,” Aikey said. “I plan on bringing a fun energy as well as hopefully giving a lot of information to the players. I have a lot of passion for softball, and I’m loving being able to share it with others.”
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