Everyone has that one object or thing that they prioritize or think about the most. Not a living human or pet, but an object. Something that you hold close to your heart. This object might tell a story or bring you closer to someone special. For some, that item is a charm bracelet, and it does both.
KEEP Collective is a brand of bracelets and charms. They also sell necklaces, key fobs and so much more. If you want a bracelet to tell your story go to https://www.keepcollective.com.
Alayna Yates:
This is a purple leather bracelet with an infinity sign charm on it. About a month ago, my gramma was sick and in the hospital at Iowa City. There were days where she was all I could think about. I tried not to let it disturb me during school or affect my grades, and to my luck it didn’t, but nevertheless I still thought about her all of the time. So, I started wearing this bracelet. Why? Purple is my gramma’s favorite color, and I picked the infinity charm because for me it resembled that my gramma would always be in my thoughts. It seemed to me as if this bracelet is what was making her get better and one more day closer to coming home. I wore it till the end of 2016. I stopped wearing it at the start of the new year because I knew that now she was back home and everything was going to be OK.
This is my orange bracelet. This orange bracelet tells my story through the color and the several charms on it. Orange is my favorite color, and for the last 18 months I’ve worn orange every single Friday as a way to remember my elementary school music teacher. He and two of his children tragically passed away in a car accident on June 10, 2015. Orange was his favorite color, and it was bold like he was. The charms have their own stories too. First, there’s the safety pin. I got this one recently to give me safety in my opinions and the safety to be me. Second, is the peace sign. The peace sign reminds me of easier times as a young kid when I had peace signs all over my bedroom. In the middle is the word JOY. This reminds me to always stay positive and happy. Next is the music note. This was one of my first charms, and it resembles my love for music. Lastly is the puzzle piece charm. KEEP came out with this charm to support Autism Awareness Month in April. I love this charm because I have cousins who have autism, and it just reminds me of them.
Mackenzie Michael:
Freshman Mackenzie Michael loved her KEEP Bracelet the minute she opened it. “I was happy when I received it. The bracelet was really shiny and cool looking,” Michael said. Not only did it look cool, but the meaning behind it made it that much more special. “The M stands for my last name, Michael, and the numbers 3634 stand for my dad’s police badge number,” Michael said. While Michael said she thinks that they are really cool and unique, she states she wouldn’t have hers any other way. “I wouldn’t like to add charms to mine. I like it just the way it is,” Michael said.
Amy McGovern
My aunt, Amy McGovern, loves KEEP for two reasons. First, for supporting so many different causes and second the uniqueness of each of them. “I think it’s a wonderful way to show support for causes that are close to your heart. I love the added touch of personal style that I have created on my own and seen in bracelets of friends and family,” McGovern said. The charms don’t always have to have a special meaning McGovern said. “Some are only to be pretty or blingy. Others are for support of battles that either I am fighting through or something a friend or family member is going through,” McGovern said. McGovern has recommended these bracelets to many friends and family members because like people, no two bracelets are the same.
Kari Yates
Tends to go all out with her KEEP Bracelets. “I got a KEEP bracelet because I loved the idea of having a flexible bracelet with a watch, but also so I could add fun charms as I wanted, so if I want to be dressy one day I could add a nice charm, but if I was going to my kids’ sporting events, I could add their number and sporting charm,” Yates said. Instantly in love with the idea of KEEP Bracelets, Yates thought everyone should have one. “When I first got my bracelet, I wanted to show everyone. I thought everyone should have it. I shared it with family and friends by having a party at my house because I thought it was just a really nice idea that most ladies would like. Everyone has a story, and with KEEP, everyone can make their own unique bracelet and be able to tell their story through different charms,” Yates said.
Jo Slickers
My grandma, Jo Slickers, bought her first KEEP Bracelets when her daughter hosted a party. Now she gifts them for her kids and her grandkids. When she puts on her KEEP Bracelet she thinks of her family. “They picked it out for me and they know what I like,” Slickers said. She loves the look and feel of the bracelets and agrees that they are well worth the money. Like many others, she wishes to add more charms to further tell her family story.
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