Reiki Center opens alternate paths

By: Haley Erikson

Alternative medicine may induce some uneasy feelings, considering it doesn’t originate from evidence using the scientific method, but I think that an open mind is appropriate when discussing non-traditional medicine.

There are plenty of different types of alternative medicine, but in Cedar Falls, we have an interesting method: Reiki. Located on Main Street, the Cedar Valley Reiki Center provides healing to patients where the practitioner can channel energy into the patient by touch. In a session, one could expect to lie on a massage table while the Reiki master uses different hand placements on the body, transferring good energy to the patient to encourage healing.

The techniques originated from Japan and were developed by a Buddhist by the name of Mikao Usui. It started in the early 1900s, but just recently has expanded into western countries.

In Cedar Falls, the Cedar Valley Reiki Center is owned by two sisters, Sue Card and Mary Nicol. I have had the pleasure of talking to them many times. It’s interesting to hear them talk about the lifestyle they are so passionate about.

They both offer Reiki treatment sessions and teach people how to become Reiki masters as well. The first time I went in there was in search of some pretty stones and crystals. They have a large selection of different healing crystals, jewelry and talismans associated with their practice.

I went in with two friends, and Card was very easy to talk to. She was very well-informed and explained to us what the different crystals can be used for, and she also taught us what Reiki is. I had never heard of it before, but it was interesting to me.

They offer a free 10-minute session on the first Monday of almost every month. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I went for the first time. There is a small group of people waiting for their free session, and they are all very polite. Card and Nicol provide snacks and water for their guests to pick through. Hydration is important before and after a session.

Upon going into the room where they perform Reiki, they were playing some soothing music. They had me lie down on the heated massage table, and I closed my eyes. It’s very easy to clear one’s mind, and it’s very similar to meditation.

They start off at by placing their hands on the head and make their way to the feet using different hand placements. They respect people’s personal space and will not do something that would make someone uncomfortable.

They end the session with the words “I seal this healing with love and light.” It takes a bit of effort to get back up off the bed. I usually get pretty sleepy. I am left feeling cleansed and rejuvenated. It’s a pretty simple experience, but it does wonders to relieve stress.

There are some healing aspects to this practice, but it should never be used in place of your normal health care provider. Alternative medicine, by definition, falls outside the realm of conventional medicine. Some medical professionals say that is based off of unreliable science. This is why I go on the free nights.

Personally, I still am a little skeptical of the practice itself, but then again, I’ve never actually gone to treat a health issue. I go because it is relaxing to me. The Cedar Valley Reiki Center is a great place to learn about spiritual aspects of life and create new experiences, and it can offer guidance to enlightenment. There is more information on their website,, and they are open Tuesday-Sunday at 702 Main Street.

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