Students interested in travelling across seas have the opportunity to do so the summer of 2013. Spanish teachers Monica Jarchow and Vic Ochoa will be the chaperones on a 15-day trip to Spain. The self-guided itinerary is available from either teacher explaining day by day details of the trip. So far, 15 students have expressed interest.
Plans are to fly out of Minneapolis and land in Madrid. From there, students will travel to Sevilla, Toledo and Granada. During the middle of the trip, students will take a six-night family stay where they will get to know the everyday life of a Spanish family.
“Taking this trip is the best way to learn how to use language,” Jarchow said. “Immersion is something you can’t strongly get over here, so travelling to Spain is very effective.”
Thus far, Jarchow has travelled abroad with students eight times.
The cost to attend the Spain trip will tentatively be $4,115. This price includes round-trip airfare, in-country transportation, overnight accommodations, family stay and insurance. There may be extra costs involved for spending money, passports, activities, etc.
This travel program boasts that students will gain confidence in their language skills and that they will be challenged by new, unfamiliar experiences. As for Jarchow, “I just love watching kids converse and interact with shop vendors and native people. It makes me proud.”
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