Orchestra strings up for fall concert


The orchestra will give its fall symphony orchestra concert on Monday, Oct. 11.

Selections include “Psalm and Fugue” by Hovahaness, “Capriol Suite” by Warlock, “Symphony  for Strings No. 1” by Bishop and finally “Siciliana Nocturno” by Reed.

The orchestra will also have some solists performing including Hannah Howland, violin; Dan Harter, cello; Ann Fienup, harp; and Hannah Easton, violin.

Some orchestra members find it hard to believe that this concert is coming up so fast as it seems like they just started the school year, but they say they are ready.

Senior Anita Bwiza said that “We have a good group, and everybody is pretty cool and wanting to make good music.”

Junior Shesters Panduro agreed that he “is very excited for the upcoming concert, especially prepared and excited for ‘Symphony for Strings No. 1’ by Bishop.”

Sophomore Jacey Beiner said she thinks that this year’s orchestra differs from last year’s orchestra at Peet Junior High because the music is more advanced, and she said the high school group is more productive.

Orchestra director Scott Hall added that he is “very excited for this year, as we have 55 string orchestra members.” He believes that that is the most  the high school has ever had.

Hall adds that this is the only string section orchestra concert of the year, as the rest of the orchestra concerts will be including the symphony orchestra. Hall said he is very excited to watch the members perform, and he believes this is “a great group of players who want to make the best music possible.”

The concert will start at 7:30 p.m. in the Clare Standard Auditorium at the high school. Tickets are $3.50 for adults/students.  Activity passes will be accepted.

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