The No Child Left Behind act has undoubtedly brought many changes upon the American educational system since its inception in 2001, and, as is the case with Cedar Falls High School and Holmes Junior High as well as countless schools across the nation, these changes have not always been positive.
The basic goals that form the foundation of NCLB are extremely important to improving education in America; however, we believe that the specific requirements for reaching these goals are wrong and may actually have a detrimental effect on American schools and students.
The issue of the most concern, and where NCLB contains the majority of its faults, is accountability, which, under NCLB, is through standardized tests. We believe, as do many in the educational system, that this is an overly strict and inflexible way of measuring the achievements of students.
We, who as student journalists have personally seen the affects of this law on American schools, believe that NCLB must undergo major changes in the way it implements its goals. If it does not, schools like the high school and Holmes will continue to be listed as in need of assistance though they do not deserve the label.
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