A day in the life of a teenager is very busy, and it’s easy for teens to put sleep on the bottom of their list...
For those who aren’t morning people, starting off the day on the right foot can be very difficult. Freshman Casper Morgan struggles with morning “because...
The Center for Disease Control reported in a study that about 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems, with the issue being associated with...
Students during and after puberty experience a shift in their biological clock causing them to sleep later than before which also means that they need...
During times of crisis, the spirit and determination of the people of the crisis are some of the most powerful aspects to initiate a successful...
As coaches guide athletes to top form in all the sports, one of the many considerations they emphasize is something that happens outside of practice...
What is one of the worst things you have to do in the morning? Most people will simply say waking up and getting out of...
It’s no secret that sleep is essential for one’s health. Then it shouldn’t be hard to imagine that failure to get an adequate amount of...
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, “High school and junior high students should start no later than 8:30 in the morning.” When schools...
A Hi-Line Poll shows that while juggling school, sports, homework, work and other extracurricular activities, teens are often pushing sleep down to the end on...