YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, you name it. Junior Eli Mickey released his four-track EP, “Unfiltered.,” a day before the turn of the decade on these...
Junior Sam Lubs first took the stage last year. This year he was the lead in “The Curious Incident of a Dog in the Nighttime.”...
Freshman singer Ahmad Madlock used to laugh at his grandfather’s operatic voice, but now Madlock respects his grandfather and said, “I have my moments” where...
Sophomore Daniel Xavier began his dream career of a singer/songwriter at the age of four. Although Xavier didn’t talk much as a child, nothing could...
Senior Jamie Knox had the dream of being a pop star like singer Hannah Montana ever since she was little girl. Singing along to the...
In a room filled with the concert choir students, choir director Eliott Kranz makes a request of senior Noah Rouw. “Noah give me a C,”...