With only four days left until commencement for the graduating class of 2023, decision time has made its way here. Many seniors are planning on...
In the CAPS program, the Innovation Celebration showcases students’ hard work completed throughout the semester. CAPS stands for the Center for Advanced Professional Studies run...
Peet and Holmes Junior High Schools have recently started their new season of track and field. Practice is underway for both schools. Peet Junior High...
New coach Julie Kirkpatrick has stepped up to the plate to take over the role of now retired robotics coach Kenton Swartley. As the season...
With less than eight weeks left of school for the graduating class of 2023, the time has come for the annual graduation T-shirt designing spree....
A new club has found a permanent home at Cedar Falls High School. The student coalition for disability awareness is ready to start making a...
On Feb. 27 DECA traveled to Southeast Polk High School to compete in State DECA with adviser Mike Hansel, and 18 qualified for the international...
As spring starts to make its way back, so has rocketry competition all across the state of Iowa. The rocket club has been working closely...
The Black Student Union is working hard during Black History Month. They have videos planned out to watch in students’ 3rd-hour classes on Fridays at...
The senior class of 2023 is getting down to the wire with preparations for graduation. As the honorary tradition continues of having a senior speaker...