On Feb. 10, renowned pop star Sia released a film called Music that can only be referred to as a disgustingly misguided attempt at an...
“Last Christmas, I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year, to save me from tears I’ll give...
Did the “Joker” shed too much light on the negative side of how society fails to address mental health? Yes, and that’s why it’s so...
Music legends, Queen, have impacted many through their music. This past weekend the movie, “Bohemian Rhapsody,” which documented their frontman Freddie Mercury’s life was released...
“Yo-kai Watch,” the movie, is finally coming to theaters. This movie, which has been hyped for a while, will be showing one day only, Oct....
Chandal Geerdes/Staff Writer Americans definitely love their classic Halloween movies. Freddy vs. Jason and Nightmare on Elm Street are just some of the titles who...
By Shane Peterson 2005 For years now people have been using the same old words to say the same old things. For example: when greeting,...