Sara Gabriele/Editor-in-Chief The Swartdogs, Team 525, earned 15th place in the regional FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) robotics competition in Kansas...
Sara Gabriele/Editor-in-Chief The ACT and I are not on good terms. We had a rocky relationship junior year, and I still have vivid memories of...
Sara Gabriele/Editor-in-Chief Social Studies teacher Traci Lake plays rough. She cuts through the McElroy roller rink, swerving through her pack of teammates as she strategizes...
Sara Gabriele/Editor-in-Chief Governor Terry Branstad has released a blueprint for overhauling Iowa education. Included in the Governor’s plans is a measure that will directly affect...
Sara Gabriele/Editor-in-Chief The homecoming dance is approaching, but some students are less than satisfied with this year’s informal dance theme. “I wish it was formal,”...
By Sara Gabriele When Isabella Mauceri checks her grades online, she doesn’t see a list of assignments. Instead, she sees a list of standards, such...
Jessie Hoffman/Staff Writer This Saturday, Nov. 20, Orchard Hill Church will host an art sale sponsored by The HeART Project from four 4-8 p.m. All...
Sara Gabriele/Staff Writer We often forget that with any attempt to effect societal change, there is usually a gap between what is planned and what...
Counselor Ryan Flaherty By Sara Gabriele/Staff Writer 2010 will be the last school year at Cedar Falls High School for guidance counselor Ryan Flaherty....
Sara Gabriele/Staff Writer Each student in Judy Timmins’ sophomore honors English class is given an assignment at the start of second semester to create an...