YouTube has become basically the monopoly of video sharing platforms. While others do let users share recorded content, none is so focused as YouTube. With the rise of YouTube also came the rise of the YouTuber, a content creator focused and mostly centralized in the YouTube platform. In the ’80s, people wanted to be movie stars like Harrison Ford and Morgan Freeman, but then in the 2000s, there was a shift. Actors were no longer the people to strive to be, as YouTubers had taken the center stage. From Markiplier to Good Mythical Morning, people were tuning in on their phones and computers to watch these people who weren’t stars or at the time even popular figures, but simply people who wanted to create something and do what they enjoyed.
Senior Nicholas Adelmund said that he didn’t watch YouTube too often, only when going to bed or when eating. His favorite YouTubers include SuperTF, Markiplier, RTGame, Chazington and Nick Crowley. On his favorite content creators, he said, “The big thing that draws me to all of these YouTubers is their editing styles and personalities. The first three are also gaming YouTubers, with Markiplier and RT being more variety content creators. I enjoy seeing people play games I like, but it’s mostly the editing styles of these channels and their big personalities.”
Adelmund said these YouTubers were mostly for entertainment, but noted that they have inspired him to be better, and he especially recommended “RTGame, since SuperTF is primarily an Overwatch content creator. A lot of people already know who Markiplier is, and Chazington/Nick Crowley have more niche content (Nick makes true crime videos and Chazington makes random videos generally centered around things considered ‘nerdy’). I also think RT is somewhat similar to other big gaming YouTubers, with his big personality and editor Cloé really manages to condense the long streams he does into easy-to-digest videos.”
UNI student George Kimmich has watched YouTube “probably every day.” For his favorite YouTubers, he listed The Kilian Experience, Chazington, Cinemassacre, Trapperdapper, Taureor, ReligionForBreakfast, UrCasualGamer, Pravus Gaming and Bruva Alfabusa.
“Kilian, Chazington, Cinemassacre, Trapperdapper and Bruva Alfabusa are just funny. Kilian and Trapperdapper have really stupid humor, but somehow they’re kind of intellectual about how dumb the humor is? It’s hard to explain. Chazington and Bruva Alfabusa have some good nerdy humor going on, and Cinemassacre has that too, albeit Cinemassacre is one of the big origins of this type of humor on YouTue. Taureor, UrCasualGamer and Pravus Gaming are a lot more chill than the typical gaming channels, which is very refreshing, especially with all the tips they give. ReligionForBreakfast is one of the best learning channels ever, and he actually has a PhD in Christianity and Roman religion.”
Regarding how these YouTubers have affected him, he said, “All the comedy YouTubers have irreparably damaged my sense of humor and have sowed their seeds into how I write in general, but that’s okay. Taureor, Pravus, and UrCasualGamer give some good tips for games and gaming in general. ReligionForBreakfast is probably what got me interested in religions and mythology in general. I have a lot of books on these subjects, and I’m studying some anthropology and religion in college.” And finally he left us with this for recommendations. “I don’t know if I can explain what I see in the comedy and gaming YouTubers to other people. If you want some actual useful information, watch ReligionForBreakfast, he’s a good educational, and most importantly academic, YouTuber.”
Senior Myles Schuster said he really only watches YouTube when he has free time, adding that he doesn’t do it much recently with his pile of work. His favorite YouTubers were The Boys, Smit7y and Markiplier. Myles said he found them funny and engaging, with a wide variety of content to experience, and they mostly just gave him a good laugh. When recommending YouTubers, he said The Boys, with over five different members, have a wide variety of personalities leading to their content being just as varied as their personalities.
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