Senior Max Blake has been taking art classes since eighth grade and is currently taking drawing II and design. He said he wanted to take drawing again because “The class really put my mind at ease, and they give me more space to be creative with my drawings.”
Being in drawing ll means there is less instruction and the students go into class and get right to work. “Right now, only three people are in drawing ll. We know what our project is, and we just go in there and work every day. Right now we are working on our tryptic drawings. It’s three different images side by side.”
Blake started taking art classes more seriously as he was in the process of getting his first tattoo. “I bought a tattoo gun and would practice on synthetic skin to try to get better at it.”
After getting his tattoo, Blake had a new connection with art, and it inspired him to become a better artist with hopes of one day switching from synthetic skin to real skin.
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