On Thursday May 12 at the Dubuque Senior High School, the CFHS track and field team qualified 47 men and women in their regional meet to compete in the state tournament.
“I’ve never been so proud of my team,” head coach Chris Wood said. “Our seniors definitely came through tonight. I’m especially proud of Myah Brinker. With her injury we all know she had, she still came through and took first place for the whole meet.”
The top two scores from each event are the athletes that get to go to State. “I can’t believe 47 of our athletes made it to State this year. There were hundreds of athletes competing, and knowing that 47 of us made it to State brings me a great sense of pride,” sophomore Maddy McFarland, a state qualifier for 100 meter hurdles, said.
Not just the athletes had something to be proud of this year. The parents and family of athletes couldn’t be more proud. “I’ve seen a lot of hard work from my daughter’s teammates. I know it’s been a tougher year for some, but in my four years watching these girls I’ve seen many miracles from these athletes, and I know they will go far with track in their future,” track mom Jen Kinder said.
“I know it’s been a rough season. We’ve had to cancel many meets, so some girls didn’t get the same opportunities as others did, but I’m so happy with how we handled it. I’m very impressed, and looking forward to what this weekend brings,” Wood said.
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