There is a constant updating community for anime and gaming. In only a few months, gamers can receive many updates for when certain things will be released and confirmations of other things. Some of these confirmations have opened doors for many theories.
First, in the gaming community we have two big releases coming up in the next few weeks. The closest release is this Friday, which is “Yokai Watch Psychic Spectors.”
Next after that is “Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions” coming out Oct. 6. This game is a re-release of the first game in the Mario and Luigi series, but with some things changed and updated to fit the 3ds graphics and with an all new side to the story.
Next, up is the anime community. For one, the writer of the “Hunter x Hunter” manga will not be taking a super long break this time, or so he says. This writer is known for writing a chapter or two, three max, and then taking months to sometimes years off, so the fact he is claiming he won’t take a long break this time is huge.
Next is in a recent “Pokemon” episode, Ash’s original friends, Brock and Misty, returned. This is huge because we all thought the company had forgotten about them in favor of Ash meeting new friends, so this shows that the “Pokemon” company is willing to bring back old characters.
Finally, the “Sword Art Online” movie, known as “Ordinal Scale,” is coming out on Blu-Ray on the 26th in Japan and Dec. 12 for us here in America. The reason Japan was mentioned first is because in case some people look it up and find the release date is the 26th, I wanted to clarify that the was the Japanese release, not the American release.
Finally on to theories, and there are not a lot currently. For “Pokemon,” people are theorizing Serena, the female who traveled with Ash in the Kalos region, will return in the Sun and Moon anime.
While this is doubtable, it could be possible. Considering Brock, who has been gone for six seasons or more, came back, nothing is impossible now.
Second is with “Sword Art Online.” A lot of people think a third season is coming. A manga series has been discovered in Japanese products, so we’re hoping because it’s in manga form, it’ll become a third anime season soon.
With a constant updating community, it’s hard to keep up with everything these two communities are up to. However, if you approach these updates in smaller sections, it’s quite easy to approach them.
An example is to only focus on updates for Nintendo games, and to only focus on updates for one, two animes max.
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