This past month has been a momentous time for the band by the name of Papa Roach. The band has so far released six new singles off of their newest album, “Crooked Teeth.”
Below, I’ve rated each single based on my own opinions.
6. “None of the Above”: The band’s newest single, “None of the Above,” has some good riffs, and Jacoby Shaddix (vocals) certainly hasn’t been skimping on his practice. However, I feel that the timid parts of the song don’t mesh well with the harder bits, like they’ve managed to do in the past.
5. “Periscope”: I legitimately enjoyed this single. I thought it was well thought-out and nicely delivered. The only thing that knocked this song back on the ranking was the guest singer, Skylar Grey. I feel that her dedication to the song was minimal, and whenever she sang, it felt sort of … off. Not her best work.
4. “Born For Greatness”: Papa Roach’s third single from their new album, this song brought me back to the days of “lovehatetragedy” (2002). The electronic riffs that occurred during the chorus grated the ears a bit, but everything else on the track was amazing, even the use of the vocal distortion.
3. “American Dreams”: This track is very enjoyable overall and displays Jacoby’s knack for grabbing the listener’s attention and taking them on a trip all throughout the song.
2. “Crooked Teeth”: The title-track was the first single to be released and was a nice catalyst for Papa Roach and everyone doubting their skills. It brought the thunder, and it reminded P. Roach fans of their debut, “Infest,” and its rap-rock focus.
1. “Help”: A week or two after the band released the first single, a second single quickly surpassed the popularity of the first. “Help” is a call for assistance from the screwed-up mind of Shaddix, and it strikes many emotional chords as it climaxes in the chorus. This is definitely the recommended single from Papa Roach’s new album, due May 19.
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