Junior Alex Escalada works on his state qualifying poetry entry for the speech contest this weekend.
Determined eyes flit back and forth between various objects in the room and then settle on the dark haired figure before them. Hands run through discernable red hair while words flow between the adviser and junior Alex Escalada in conversation. What about? Why the state speech competition this weekend, of course!
English teacher and speech coach Margaret McCawley has spent many days with state speech participants Alex Escalada, Albie Nicol and Alex Hanson to discuss and prepare for the State Individual Events Contest on Saturday, March 11, which will be held at Waldorf University in Forest City.
Unfortunately, though there are more students who have qualified for competition this year, only the three will be participating due to conflicting events happening around the weekend as well.
They will be competing in four categories this year.
Albie Nicol – Improvisation; Spontaneous Speaking (two different categories)
Alex Escalada – Poetry
Alex Hanson – Storytelling
Congratulations to CF’s speech competitors and coaches for making State and well wishes for the event. Keep your eyes on prize, Tigers. You’ve got this!
The next speech event will be the All-State Festival for Individual Events on March 27, to be held at the University of Northern Iowa.
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