Aim for balance between life-simplifying gadget and ample time to simply live free of gadgets


At the turn of the 20th century, the evolution of technology has been one the fastest ones to date. Technological advances such as electricity, flight and the gasoline engine found expression in modes of transportation and communication.

Since then, the evolution of technology in daily and social life has led to the fact that the modernization of information and communication has become the driving force of social evolution. What used to take hours and various gadgets to do can now be accomplished by the tiny little boxes of plastic and metal most people usually keep on their person at all times.

The streamlining of technology has definitely helped in many ways, allowing us to do things faster and in the most efficient way possible. With a booming population and increase of work to do, who wouldn’t appreciate the small screens that help us run our lives.

Many argue, however, that the influence of our phones and other types of digital technology is becoming too great. Are these revolutionary items a distraction? Or are they just proficient? We think that they are very definitely both.

So go ahead, keep your phone on you and feel free to freak when you’ve lost it or every time you drop it. It makes life simpler after all; it and other digital appliances allow for communication, information and for you to get your stuff done. Just remember to take your eyes off those bright screens once in a while and enjoy the actual world around you.

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