Coached by Nick Klein, Zac Schaller, Jack Sole and Brett Williams, the Peet A football team ended with a 3-1-1 record, and the B team went 4-1 after their last games on Tuesday, Oct. 11. Though the season was short, it was filled with highlights.
“One of the best games I think we’ve played this year is when we went up against Holmes,” Klein said. “We did some good things, made some mistakes, but overall it was a really intense game, which made it a really close game.”
Both teams built up their success from after school practices. “This year we’ve actually achieved less practice time than in the past, but we’ve got a lot of things accomplished in that time,” Klein said. “They studied the plays and picked them up very quickly. This is especially good since our team this year is physically on the smaller side than many of the teams we’ve had in my seven years of coaching, so we’ve also been counting on athleticism.”
“We had a tough season ahead of us with Carver being our biggest competition, but our coaches helped us pull through by helping us learn new plays and teaching us new things,” A team running back Connor McCartan said. “Our teammates have also been good about building each other up, and we all get along pretty good. There’s really no one who’s counted out.”
Caleb Raisty, the A team tight end, also said that their teammates and coaches have a strong bond together. “The coaches have been really supportive of us by helping us get better every day with everything that needs to be worked on in the drills and plays. As a team we have also been working very hard to make improvements in how we play and perform, whether it’s at practice or in a game.”
Though the coaches and their players have a strong bond, there are still challenges ahead for everyone. “Even though we already have a pretty strong team who work really well together, something that I personally think we as a team need to work on is communicating so everyone knows what’s happening and when,” Raisty said. “The reason I play football is because it’s a chance for you to get active, and it’s a great, competitive sport to play.” McCartan also said that the team has some milestones ahead of them. “One of the biggest things I think we need to work on as a team is our blocking on the line where our offense blocks their defense, which helps to protect our quarter or running back if they have the ball,” he said, but he’s already looking forward to next year. “I’ve been playing football since I was in kindergarten. The reason I’ve stuck with football is because it’s a really fun sport to play, and I like that you’re able to play with your friends.”
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