Our View
For the next six weeks, let’s meditate on a number: 22,000. As a school, 22,000 is the challenge for us to match in pounds of food for this year’s Food Drive.
The 2015 Food Drive kicked off this week and our school has blown Waterloo West and East High Schools out of the water for many years, but that’s not enough. We need to raise the bar and not only reach our 22,000 pound goal, but go beyond it.
We can make a huge impact by doing something as easy as going to the grocery store. By simply going out and buying jars of peanut butter, canned fruits, meat, veggies or just donating money, we can help the 200 food pantries, community meals, soup kitchens, senior centers, low-income schools, daycares and after school programs that the Northeastern Food Bank serves.
Even though we are collecting cans and raising money as a whole school competing against two other schools, it’s still good to have some healthy competition against each other. Third hours will rejoin their annual battles, and for those who don’t have a third hour class, they can join any class they want. However, teachers must email social studies teacher Traci Lake to let her know which students will be joining that teacher’s third hour.
All donations of canned food and money ($1 = 1 can) will be collected in our third hour class every Friday for the rest of October, and the last collection date will be Monday Nov. 9.
But we can’t just stop after donating to our third hour classes. We have to get involved with the many activities taking place to collect even more money and cans for our school. Admission to the majority of food drive events is cans, so we can go see the powderpuff volleyball game and help our community at the same time.
We are very fortunate to know we will be able to eat plenty of food every single day. This is not the case for many families and people in the Cedar Valley who don’t know when or where they are going to get their next meals.
Let’s show our community that we as a student body are giving students who, when given a challenge, go above and beyond.
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