What was your favorite song of 2014?
Kaleb Bengston– Song “Hold On” by Artist (hed) P.E., on their new album “Evolution.” Because it’s a song about keeping your head up when times are tough.
Sarah Stortz– “I Wanna Get Better” by Bleachers. I think it’s the perfect song to listen to whenever you’re feeling down and you really want to feel pumped up. It’s also the song that introduced me to the band, and I’ve been hooked on their music ever since.
Skylar Starbeck– G Eazy’s music in general is great. He is very talented and is gradually becoming famous, which is pretty cool. His new stuff from this past year is pretty great, and it is fun to listen to. When listening to G Eazy, it is like an immediate party starter.
Austin Anderson– My favorite song of the year was “Loyal” by Chris Brown because although it is very explicit, there is a good message very deep down hidden behind the overused inappropriate references. I also love “Blank Space” by Taylor Swift because I have always thought she was psycho, and this song confirms that.
Annebeth Ahrenholz– “Shake it Off” by Taylor Swift. It really gets me jammin’.
What was your favorite movie of 2014?
Kaleb Bengston– Interstellar, it was entertaining to watch and try to keep up.
Zuhayr Alam– My favorite movie was Interstellar. It had me hooked from the start to finish, and it resonated well with me. It was an experience.
Austin Anderson– 22 Jump Street was the most hysterical movie of the year.
Annebeth Ahrenholz– TFIOS (The Fault in our Stars)
What was your favorite book of 2014?
Kaleb Bengston– “Deeply Odd.” It is the sixth book in the series, and it was released earlier this year. I’ve been hooked on those books for a while.
Annebeth Ahrenholz– I don’t read.
Austin Anderson– I haven’t had to read books for school this year, which has allowed me to read for fun on my free time. I have loved Derek Jeter’s first book ‘The Life You Imagine.” Over break I’m excited to read his newest book “The Contract.”
What was your favorite app of 2014?
Sarah Stortz-Trivia Crack. It’s unbelievably addicting to play, but it’s even more fun when you’re playing against friends to test each other’s knowledge. I also feel like I learn a little bit more whenever I play a round.
Zuhayr Alam– Crossy Road. It is a fun way to kill time as well as being very fun as well.
Annebeth Ahrenholz– Trivia Crack. It was fun.
Austin Anderson– I have dabbled in the Trivia Crack game, but I have found out that too many use the 30 seconds of allotted time to look up the answers on the Internet. However, I do love Madden Mobile and welcome any challenger.
What changes would you like to see in the school in 2015?
Sarah Stortz- I’d like for the school to decide on having a new building in the future since our current one has so many problems.
Zuhayr Alam– I wouldn’t like to see changes in this school, but a new school entirely.
Dino Odobasic– I would like to see this school get new materials and equipment but also a new school entirely
Annebeth Ahrenholz– More parking.
Austin Anderson– I love our school and would love to see people appreciate it more. Yes, we need more parking and air conditioning, but I still love it. I also would like more people to read the Tiger Hi-Line.
Skylar Starbeck– I would like to see change with school lunches and parking. Both seem to arouse issues that could be fixed.
What changes would you like to see in the United States in 2015?
Kaleb Bengston– I’d like to see social reform in regards to racial profiling and police accountability. Also, marijuana legalization, as we are headed that way.
Sarah Stortz– I’d really like to see marriage equality being legal in all 50 states since we’re getting so close to it. I’d also like to see something done about the problem on police brutality and how much it racially profiles.
Austin Anderson– I would like to see more inspirational tweets on Twitter.
What changes would you like to see in the world in 2015?
Dino Odobasic– I would like to see people trying to protect the environment more.
Kaleb Bengston– I would like to see more worldly involvement in human suffering and more humanitarian values by world leaders.
Zuhayr Alam– I would like to see more world leaders try to connect with their people and their environment.
Skylar Starbeck– I would like to see more people reaching out to help others by starting small in the community then take it step by step to help those in our world in the much larger picture.
Annebeth Ahrenholz– I would like to see world peace.
Austin Anderson– Instead of riots and wars, I would like to see people who disagree face off in a dance battle so they could end up having fun and get out of their comfort zone in order to realize that killing people isn’t going to solve anything. An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
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