Who takes blame for lost lives?

Don’t be too quick to point the finger at the culprit. Was it filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula with the movie in Southern California? Was it Youtube with the “Innocence of Muslims” in the computer room? Was it protesters with mob attacks in Libya? There is no secret envelope to open after the guesses have been laid on the table — no explanation of the crook, the weapon, the place. Yet there are many dirty hands.

Who can we accredit the blame for the Libya disaster? Revolving around an explicit Youtube video mocking Prophet Mohammed, the U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and  three other Americans working for the State Department in Benghazi were murdered.

Living in the United States, we are promised our First Amendment rights. Our freedom of speech leaves little room for censorable measures. The aforementioned video has been widely spread across the Web, and in response, Youtube has restricted access to it in India, Indonesia, Libya and Egypt. However, Youtube does not intend to take the video off their site completely because that would destroy the atmosphere of their “express your opinions here” claim in countries where this is legal.

Unlike in the board game Clue, the actions our government takes and the decisions we make as individuals impact the world we live in.  The decisions of a major company such as Youtube (independent of pleas from the White House) have the influence to save or suffer lives.

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