Mikayla Foland/Staff Writer
Cedar Falls High School’s math department has started a new program this past week called M.A.T.H, which stands for Math Achievement with Teacher Help. It was created to allow students seeking help with math homework to find it at all times of the school day.
“As a department, we wanted to provide a structured way for students to receive help outside of their actual class time.
With so many of our classes at or close to maximum size, the opportunity for a teacher to give individual attention is minimal during actual class time,” said math department chair Rich Strike.
“This provides an excellent opportunity for a student to be able to easily go to a math teacher for help during a time when he/she is free.”
Student can get help with math during all hours of the school day because of the new schedule of the program.
“We have set up a schedule where a specific teacher or location is available during each class period, before school, and after school.This schedule has been posted in all of the math rooms, given to guidance counselors, administrators and sent to all teachers to be used by those that have study halls,” Strike said.
In the first official week of the program, over 150 students were “served.” It is clear to students using the program that all the teachers are very interested in helping them overcome their obstacles in whatever they are studying.
“The best part is that students always have a place to go if they need help with their math. With this program a math expert is always available to help,” Strike said.
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