The band, choir and orchestra all participated in the Iowa High School Music Association’s Solo and Ensemble Contest held last Saturday. We would like to congratulate all of them on their superb performance. The band had 72 Division I ratings, the choir had 22 Division I ratings and the orchestra had 20 Division I ratings. Also, seven of the eight possible centers named the performances of Cedar Falls High School (and one Peet ninth grader) students in the band, choir and orchestra as Outstanding Performance.
Obviously, these are impressive performances on the part of the band, choir and orchestra members who earned both Outstanding Performance recognition and Division I ratings. These magnificent musical performances not only merit congratulations, but also recognition. A great amount of practice and effort is needed in order to produce such excellent results as all of the participants in the band, choir and orchestra attained. In addition to recognizing the participants for their excellent ratings, we would like to acknowledge the practice and effort, as well as time, which the participants put into their solo and ensemble pieces. As busy high school students ourselves, we are all aware of the difficulty of devoting the required time to such activities. However, the students in the band, choir and orchestra who participated in the Solo and Ensemble Contest were obviously able to balance the required practice time for their pieces with their other obligations, thus producing such excellent ratings as were obtained at the contest.
In addition for recognizing the band, choir and orchestra for their stunning achievements at the Solo and Ensemble Contest, we would also like to recognize the music they play every day and how it enriches the school environment. Their concerts throughout the year provide entertainment as well as showcase the talent and effort of the musicians. Also, the band, choir and orchestra and their musical achievements provide variety to the general environment of the school.
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