This Thursday night, April 16, another installment of the popular charity fundraiser, the faculty vs. student basketball game, is set to take place.
Some of us remember well the very first faculty vs. student basketball game, whose proceeds went toward funding the building of the school in Cambodia. The next year, the proceeds went to a sickle cell anemia charity. Now, this year, the proceeds are set to benefit both The Tiger Hi-line and Relay for Life.
We are pleased that throughout these three years the faculty vs. student basketball game has benefitted such a wide variety of charities, all through a single night of fundraising. Thus, we would like to endorse tomorrow night’s basketball game and encourage all who can to attend. This endorsement does not stem solely from the fact that we are one of benefactors of the proceeds that will be raised. Rather, we are honestly happy to support any charity fundraisers, especially ones such as the faculty vs. student basketball game that bring people together for a fun, entertaining, as well as successful, night of fundraising for a worthy cause. We would be endorsing the faculty vs. student basketball game regardless of who the recipients of the proceeds are — not to say that we are not grateful for sharing the proceeds.
We are yet again extremely thankful for and happy about the amount of support that we have received from the CFHS community during the difficult financial situation we have experienced this year. The altruism of our school community is also demonstrated by the choice of Relay for Life as the other recipient of the proceeds. As the lives of both Holmes Junior High Principal David Welter and CFHS activity secretary Jane Carter have been greatly affected by cancer, Relay for Life is a worthy choice to receive proceeds.
In regards to the importance of this event, we would like to thank Senior Leadership, Student Senate and Students for Social Responsibility for their hard work in organizing the faculty vs. student basketball game, and for choosing to bestow part of the proceeds on us. We hope that the faculty vs. student basketball game will continue to be a fun and entertaining night that benefits others in the process.
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