Every year on the Friday before Easter Sunday, also known as “Good Friday,” Nazareth Lutheran Church holds student-led services in partnership with BIGhouse, a high...
Megan Droste, previously the FCS and Peer Helpers teacher at Peet and one of the current CAPS teachers, has decided to take it upon herself...
What jungle animal would you be? I would be a cheetah because every cheetah has unique spots just like I have a unique personality. –Abby...
Friday night lights are upon us as Gillett and his teammates are ready to take the field against the 3-3, Cedar Rapids Washington Lions. “We’re...
One thousand one hundred pairs of shoes filled the sidewalks of the Hawkeye Community College campus Wednesday, Sept. 13. Those 1,100 shoes represent the number...
Men qualify eight events This year the men’s track team qualified eight events for the 108th Drake Relays: 3200m Sam Schillinger running Thursday 6:25 1600m...