Fashion Sense: Sophomore Maya Aalderks

Q: Where do you get your inspiration?

A: My inspiration comes from movies and shows that I like. I like to think about what I might wear in a more interesting circumstance than just going to school.

Q: What are some color combinations you recommend?

A: Complimentary colors are really fun! (Blue and orange, orange and purple, etc.) But for me, it’s more about how you wear the colors. The sandwich method is important to what I wear on a lot of occasions (match the top or accessories to your shoes, different color(s) for the rest of your outfit)

Q: What is a go-to/staple piece?

A: I have these blue jeans that have huge rips in them that progressively get bigger cause I accidentally keep ripping them more. They’re comfortable, I can wear them in any season, and they aren’t horribly ugly.

Q: Where do you shop and how do you afford your clothes?

A: I work a lot, so I can keep a budget for things I enjoy, like clothes, but I tend to shop in cheap places or online. A few of my shirts and pants I buy from Walmart and then cut up to change the style, or plain T-shirts that I can paint on and customize.

Q: Who do you look up to for inspiration? Is it a celebrity or another student?

A: When I walk around school and see someone I think looks really cool I make a note in my head and start looking for clothes in that style. My life is my inspo.

Q: Are your outfits seasonal, or do they work year-round?

A: As much as I hate to admit, they are not seasonal. Jackets always throw off the vibe of the cute warm weather fits, so we have to adjust the style for the temperature. It’s about time I start digging out the sweaters and turtlenecks.

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