“My favorite part about high school was being able to make connections with other students. I met a lot of amazing people throughout my high school experience, and that is something that I will take with me forever. My least favorite thing is how our school system is run. School is hard, and things are changing, so the system needs to change as well. Bullying needs to be addressed way way more, especially racism. Bigger topics need to be talked about in classes, and we need to be taught about our history. Schools have the ability to do so much, but we’re in a system. To do so much, just remember for the time being to get a good grade. Nothing meaningful is really taught. Yes, a lot of it is important, but there is so much we need to stop teaching and start teaching instead.”
—senior Kara Cantrall
“My favorite part of high school is probably the activities that are offered here. I do speech and theater, and that’s where I made a lot of friends and had a lot of cool experiences, so I would just say like the extracurriculars that are available here that are my favorite part. My least favorite part is probably just like the workload that happens when you get to high school, especially if you decide to take like AP or honors classes; it can just seem like all of your time is spent doing homework, and you have less time to do stuff that you actually enjoy, so I would just say the stress that comes with it.”
—senior Emma DeGroote
“My favorite part about high school is probably activities and clubs that are offered here because it brings in a lot of different people with different experiences to come together and make friends with each other. I would say my least favorite thing about high school is the judgment that a lot of your peers have on you, because a lot of people have stressed to look a certain way or act a certain way, and I think it is kinda unnecessary, and in high school it’s kinda just like a place where judgment has passed on a lot.”
—senior Ethan Gruening
”One of my favorite aspects of teaching is being able to provide a safe, respectful place for my students to learn and grow. I enjoy building relationships with my students and watching them learn new things and plan for their futures, and I am grateful to them for helping me become a better teacher and person.”
—teacher Julie Stoffer
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