Between school, homework, chores, friends and after school jobs, teenagers are no stranger to budgeting their time, yet for most students, managing time is also an important practice for their everyday lives, especially with the thought of the future in mind.
“I am working on saving for college this year and trying to work a lot so I have more saved. I think it is a good thing to save your money. When I say that, I mean take a little from each paycheck and put it into savings or a piggy bank and limit the personal buys because it is good to buy yourself things but also good to be smart and save as well,” senior Addi Miller said.
Miller works as a sandwich artist at the local Jimmy Johns, balancing work and budgeting.
“I have been working at Jimmy Johns for a little over a year. I love my coworkers and the flexibility of hours, but I don’t like when I get a lot of homework and then have to work after school and not have any motivation to do it when I get home,” Miller said.
With the extra income from all her hours, it is vital for her to find a system that works for both her and her bank account.
“My paycheck usually goes toward gas, car insurance and personal buys, but about half of it goes into savings, which I don’t touch. I can be wise with my money, but if I find something like a cute dress, you already know I am going to buy it. I am working on saving for college this year and trying to work a lot so I have more saved.”
Senior Cole Miller, an employee of Fig and Frolic off Main Street, uses his job as a way to build responsibility, credit and to support his unique habit.
“Fifty percent of my paycheck goes to a saving account and the other half goes to gas, eating out once a week and buying records for my record collection. I would consider myself wise since old records only go up in value. I am very happy with how I spend money. Records are a great investment.”
Miller stressed the importance of enjoying an income, but also planning for unsuspected tragedies and expenses.
“Best advice I have is to save, save, save. You never know when you will need that money.”
Senior Shannon Murphy, a valet worker at Isle Casino, practices practical spending with her paycheck and advised others to do the same.
“I always make sure my car payment comes first, then I will decide how to split it up later. I would consider myself wise with my money. I am happy with how I spend my money,” Murphy said. “Some advice I would give would definitely be when you get your paycheck, a good thing to do if you have a checking and saving account is to put $100 dollars into your savings and the rest of the paycheck into your checking.”
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