Snow days open options for both fun, essentials

Though snow days offer a vacation from school, they open the door to many other options for fun and tackling “to do” lists.

Movies and 

Hot Chocolate. 

The best way to spend a snow day is to stay safe and stay home, so you might as well get comfy while you do so. Snow days are the perfect time to watch all the movies you never get around to watching or to revisit some old favorites.

Try some 

new recipes. 

One of the best ways to pass time while you are snowed in is to get into the kitchen and try some new things. Starting up the oven keeps the house warm and everyone happy and full.

Plan for your 

days to come. 

When you finally do get out of the house, you’ll want to be organized, so the extra day gives you the perfect excuse to break out the colored pens and coordinate all of your events and activities.

Go Sledding. 

The Cedar Valley offers many hills and parks that are easy to access, so you can be safe while getting to them and can enjoy the outdoors while tapping into your inner child.

Help your parents 

around the house. 

While you might be excited for the snowdays, your mom knows that means her house will be a mess, but you can make it a game to see if you can switch the laundry before your commercial break is over.

Play a board game. While it might seem lame, you will be transported right back to your childhood.

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