Many seniors are hosting graduation parties in the upcoming weeks, and here are some tips on how to make your party stand out or what to do when you get invited to a grad party, whether it is your first or your 20th this graduation season.
Express yourself
When deciding on decorations and types of food, don’t conform to what is the most popular or what you think most people will like. You should have your grad party express you and what you are planning on doing. Have your favorite foods and beverages along with decorations to make your party stand out and be memorable to people attending.
If you plan on attending a lot of grad parties this year, it could be best if you go to Target and stock up on cards. Depending on how well you know a person, the thought is what counts. You could even go to a gas station and buy a few $10 gift cards. Saving a few bucks on gas is always a bonus that almost anyone can use.
Depending on where you are having your grad party, people like to be entertained. Some plan on just stopping by, and others will stay for a long time. Younger kids are common too, so having games such as Frisbee in your backyard, or tic tac toe with the school you are going to will make your guests entertained.
It is always great to have something that you can take away from your grad party. For example, try collecting advice or best high school memories. Having an “advice box” where guests can write their best college advice or a book where people can sign and write their best memory can have great sentimental value and provide great tips and tricks to survive your first year of college and many years to come.
Have fun
Overall, the point of a grad party is to be a celebration for the completion of high school. Have fun and don’t stress. If something does not go to plan, it is not the end of the world. Take pictures and enjoy the company of those who you have shared your high school years with. You never know the next time that you will see them.
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