Our View: Stay safe at prom

This weekend, all of the money, time, dedication and hairspray that we have spent in preparation will come together at the Electric Park Ballroom in a dance that most of us have anticipated for months.

While prom is definitely one the most exciting parts of the school year, it is unfortunately also one of the most deadly.

Reports from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration state that one out of three alcohol-related tragedies involving teenagers happen during prom season each year. This statistic begins to make much more sense when you realize how many students will be out during the night. To back it up, another study from the same organization stated that 70 percent of high school students expect their peers to drink and drive during prom night.

It’s practically indisputable that a few of us partake in these activities. However, because of these circumstances, we highly urge you to leave any kind of illegal substances at home for this one night.

There will obviously be a large amount of people out this weekend, meaning that it will all the more dangerous to go out.

Even if you don’t want to risk getting in trouble on the road, it’s not recommended to bring alcohol or drugs into the dance floor either.

If caught with any form of drugs or alcohol, you will be escorted out of the dance immediately and receive some type of punishment from the school.

All of the hard work you put into prom will immediately amount to nothing. We’re sure that you’d rather leave the place laughing alongside your friends, not pushed out by the faculty.

Our times as high school students are drawing very near to a close, so we should make sure to make the most out of the few months we have left. Prom is supposed to be a fun, memorable night that you’d want to look back on with good feelings.

With that said, it’s all the more important that you make smart decisions this Saturday and stay safe.

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