After taking several tests and papers, senior Jessica Hinz and senior Kylee Ferrell have officially became a part of the military on Jan. 22, 2014.
Hinz joined the Guard for many reasons, including the many good benefits, especially for college, and both her parents, grandparents, and uncle, were all in the army. However, “The main reason I joined is because I love helping out people in any way I can, and I love being apart of a group,” Hinz said.
Ferrell joined the Air Guard because she has always been interested in joining the military. Her grandpa, dad and older sister were all in the Air Guard. Ferrell also agreed with a core values the Air Guard has: “integrity first, service before self, excellence in all we do.”
Right now Hinz has been working in Waterloo at the RSP, which is pre-basic training. Hinz is working there one weekend a month until she leaves for training in August. She will be attending Hawkeye Community College this fall, taking two years of police science and two years of auto mechanic technology. In order to get all the schooling benefits from the national guard, Hinz will have to complete training.
Ferrell will be attending the University of Northern Iowa once she is done with her initial training. Her training will take about 28 weeks.
In the National Guard, Hinz will be a wheeled mechanic for the 209 medical unit out of Iowa City. “I basically just fix the Hummers and the transportation vehicles,” Hinz said.
Hinz always thought she could possibly be in the army as a child, but it wasn’t until Sergeant Murphy came and talked at the high school in December that she knew for sure she wanted to be a part of the army.
In the Air Guard, Ferrell’s job is 4N, which means she will be working in the medical clinic on the base.
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