“Do everything in your power to make this moment a happy moment.
Let unnecessary thoughts pass, and create those of undiscriminating love.”
“Enjoy the time because it goes by quickly just like how everyone says it does.
Get involved in stuff and don’t just think about getting out because you can never get your time back in high school, so enjoy it while you can.”
“Give 110 percent at everything you’re doing right now.”
“Just make sure you can look back on your experience and say you gave it your all, and you can leave with no regrets.”
“This is the last time you’ll ever see some of the people you’re with again.
[I] never really got involved at first, but I’m glad I started because I started to meet new people and reconnect with people I haven’t spoken with in years.”
“Don’t stress the little stuff because 10 years from now, it’s not going to matter, and you’re going to be sitting in your penthouse suite living a wonderful successful life,
and you’re not going to remember how you tripped on the stairs during junior year and made a fool of yourself.”
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