Chandal Geerdes/Staff Writer
Sophomores Tarah Willsher, Anna Love and senior Jordi Powell are becoming known for their fancy manicure skills. (Tarah Willsher photo)
For today’s fancy nails, one could spend hundreds of dollars to go to the salon and even more for those special machines, but sophomores Tarah Willsher, Anna Love and senior Jordi Powell do them for free.
These three girls have been painting nails for a while now and enjoy doing it for themselves and others. They do many designs ranging from zebra to lace, and their ideas flow from many places like fashion magazines and seeing others’ nails.
“I use more spunky designs,” Powell said.
“I really like art, doing makeup and I’m good at painting,” Love said.
Although they do this for free almost once a week for friends, special occasions and anyone who asks, it is very time consuming. Love said she could spend up to two and a half hours to do nails and toes. On the other hand, Powell said it only takes her between 10 and 40 minutes.
During these long sessions of nail paintings, the girls use many supplies to create their designs.
“Mini scissors are always a good thing to have,” Love said.
The girls use Stripes nail polish from Sally’s. They also use lace, jewels and sparkles depending on the design.
Love has even been asked to have her nails licked because of the texture of the lace.
“But I wouldn’t let them do that,” she said.
Willsher and Love both agree that painting designs makes their nails more interesting. They find painting nails for themselves and others to be a fun hobby.
“I really like doing other people’s nails. I can almost do them better than my own,” Willsher said.
The girls rarely ever go to salons to get their nails done. Powell is the only one that foresees a profession to come out of her talent, but she said it would be out of her own home.
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