Jordan Burtch/Staff Writer
Recently, the new PlayStation 3 Move and the Xbox 360 Kinect have been a big hit with people around the world.
The PS3 Move is the combination of the PS3 system, the PlayStation Eye camera and the PlayStation Move motion controller.
For the Move controller, the Eye camera and Sports Champions game, the bundle costs $99.99. For a 320 GB PS3 system, the Move motion controller, the Eye camera and Sports Champions, the bundle would sell for $399.99. These are just the bare bones for this unit.
How the Move works is by having the Eye track the ball on the end of the Move controller and translate that motion onto the screen. Yes, players need a controller, but it lets their whole body do the work, not just their fingers and a controller. Players might want to buy a Move gun attachment and a Move charging station as well.
The Xbox 360 Kinect is going for a price of $149.99, and that would be all one needs if one already has an Xbox 360.
If players don’t have the 360, there are bundles available for that too. For $299.99, one can get the new Xbox 360 4GB console, the Kinect sensor and Kinect Adventures. Also, for $399.99, one can get the new Special Edition Xbox 360 250GB console, the Kinect sensor and Kinect Adventures.
What the Kinect does is it tracks the player’s body motion and translates it onto the screen. It also recognizes voice commands, so there is no longer a need for a controller. It is quite cool.
Some think that paying the extra $50-100 for the Kinect is too much for almost the same product, and some people have thought that these new systems were just copy cats of the
Nintendo Wii that came out in years past.
From a safety standpoint, the Kinect may win the fight, because with Kinect, there are no controllers and no chance of a controller being hurled at the television screen or any valuable near by. Just make sure to have a clear area to participate.
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