January 18 is a day of celebration. This day celebrates the wonderful life and achievements of an influential American civil rights leader. This person...
“Riots are self defeating and socially destructive.” This quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. perfectly and precisely articulates the problem with holding riots in the...
By: Mattie Starbeck Dear Editor, I am from Mr. Winkel’s 5th hour American Literature 1940s to Today, and we have just read “Letter from a...
Dear Editors: I am writing as a member of Mr. Winkel’s fourth hour American literature: 1940’s to today class. A topic that I believe needs...
Dear Editors: I am a senior at Cedar Falls High School, and I am enrolled in Mr. Winkel’s American Literature: 1930’s to Today class. Recently...
Josh Worthington/Letter to the Editor This letter is a result of a unit done in Brian Winkel’s American Literature: 1930 to Today class where students...
Libby Dagit/Letter to the Editor This letter is a result of a unit done in Brian Winkel’s American Literature: 1930 to Today class where students...
Jackson Snell/Letter to the Editor This letter is a result of a unit done in Brian Winkel’s American Literature: 1930 to Today class where students...
Jessica Gerholdt/Letter to the Editor This letter is a result of a unit done in Brian Winkel’s American Literature: 1930 to Today class where students...
Beth Pierschbacher/Letter to the Editor This letter is a result of a unit done in Brian Winkel’s American Literature: 1930 to Today class where students...