As December wraps up, no pun intended, and January rolls around, we are all ready to hail in the new year, but often with the...
In the world of a teenager in the 21st century, what you look like is the priority in your day to day life. The amount...
Social media made it’s undeniable impact as it quickly consumed the lives of modern day generations. According to a survey conducted amongst 85 CFHS students,...
By: Tehya Tournier With the everyday pressures of looking good, it’s very easy to be negative after looking in the mirror, but there’s a movement...
By: Mercede Kraabel People have been saying that 2016 is the year of change. For the Barbie dolls, it is. For over five decades, Barbie...
National non-profit movement gains large following in supporting teen girls facing abuse, depression Rescue is possible. For millions of teenagers around world battling abuse, self-harm and...
By Kirstin Riggs 2007 Reflections. Many adolescents feel appalled at the face that stares back at them in a mirror. Yet what is truly appalling...